Vinamilk figure parmi les 10 marques de produits laitiers les plus précieuses au monde, rejoignant les as de l’industrie dans de multiples catégories

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, 5 octobre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — La Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company (Vinamilk) est devenue l’une des marques laitières les plus précieuses au monde, avec une valeur de marque de US$ 2,4 milliards selon le rapport Brand Finance de 2021. La société s’est également classée parmi les premières places dans trois autres classements mondiaux de l’alimentation et des boissons cette année.

Brand Finance est le principal cabinet indépendant de conseil en stratégie et en évaluation de marques basé au Royaume-Uni. Chaque année, il évalue 5 000 des plus grandes marques mondiales dans 23 secteurs et les classe en fonction de divers critères.

Cette année, Vinamilk est le seul représentant de l’ANASE à avoir obtenu des positions élevées dans quatre classements de Brand Finance, y compris les marques de produits laitiers ayant le plus de valeur au monde, les marques de produits laitiers ayant le plus de potentiel et le classement des marques alimentaires les plus fortes et les plus précieuses.

Vinamilk is listed among the top in 4 global Brand Finance rankings

Ce résultat met en évidence le potentiel de croissance de Vinamilk et sa résilience face aux défis de la pandémie de COVID-19, notamment la perturbation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale, la baisse de la demande de produits et la modification des habitudes de consommation.

L’entreprise a également été récemment placée à la 36e place du Top 50 des producteurs laitiers mondiaux en 2021 de Plimsoll, en fonction du chiffre d’affaires, devenant ainsi la seule entreprise d’Asie du Sud-Est à figurer sur cette liste prestigieuse.

« Après 45 ans de développement continu, Vinamilk a atteint une position remarquable dans les classements mondiaux en termes de revenus et de valeur de la marque. Ces résultats témoignent de nos réalisations et renforcent considérablement notre engagement à nous efforcer encore davantage, en créant les produits les plus nutritifs pour les consommateurs nationaux et internationaux et en faisant progresser la marque de produits laitiers vietnamienne sur le marché mondial », a déclaré Mme Mai Kieu Lien, PDG de Vinamilk.

En plus de maintenir une production et une activité stables, Vinamilk mène activement des campagnes communautaires pour promouvoir un mode de vie sain et a intensifié la lutte contre la COVID-19. Vinamilk a soutenu le pays et la communauté internationale par des financements, des dons de vaccins et plus de 6 millions de produits d’une valeur estimée à 4,2 millions de dollars.

Vinamilk maintient sa dynamique de croissance au milieu de la pandémie

Vinamilk continues to invest in its international standard farms to ensure the quality of raw milk used in producing domestic and export products

Vinamilk possède actuellement 16 usines, 13 fermes laitières dans le monde et un projet de complexe laitier à grande échelle au Laos, qui fournit plus de 250 références de produits. Au milieu de la pandémie, Vinamilk a continué à maintenir un fonctionnement stable avec une croissance notable du volume des exportations. Au premier semestre 2021, la valeur des exportations de la société a été estimée à US$ 121,5 millions, affichant un taux de croissance à deux chiffres de 13,1 % par rapport à 2020.

En plus d’étendre sa portée internationale et de devenir l’une des 30 premières entreprises laitières au monde en termes de chiffre d’affaires, Vinamilk s’engage constamment dans la coopération internationale afin d’augmenter sa capacité de production tant au niveau national qu’international.

Vinamilk's state-of-the-art factory

Vinamilk possède des filiales et des coentreprises aux États-Unis, en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Laos, au Cambodge et, plus récemment, aux Philippines par le biais d’une coentreprise avec Del Monte – le premier fabricant et distributeur de produits F&B des Philippines. En 2021, la société se fixe pour objectif un chiffre d’affaires de US$ 2,7 milliards, soit une augmentation de 4,1 % par rapport à l’année précédente.

À propos de VINAMILK

Fondée en 1976, Vinamilk est la première entreprise de nutrition du Vietnam, au service de clients dans 56 pays. Avec la mission de devenir une marque internationale dans le secteur de l’alimentation et des boissons et une marque de confiance pour les consommateurs de produits nutritionnels et de santé, Vinamilk s’engage à fournir des produits de haute qualité avec respect, amour et responsabilité pour la vie et la communauté.

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Three Share Nobel Prize for Physics for Work on Climate Change

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Tuesday announced the Nobel prize in physics goes to three scientists for their work in helping to understand complex physical systems, work that has proved valuable in quantifying and predicting climate.

At a Stockholm news conference, the academy’s Secretary General Goran K. Hansson and a panel of Nobel jurors presented one half of the physics prize to Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann “for the physical modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming.”

Hansson said the other half of the prize has been awarded to Giorgio Parisi “for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales."

The panel said the work of Manabe and Hasselmann “laid the foundation of our knowledge of the Earth’s climate and how humanity influences it.”

Born in Japan and now a senior meteorologist at Princeton University, Manabe pioneered studies in how increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lead to increased temperatures at the surface of the Earth.

A professor of meteorology at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, in Hamburg, Germany, Hasselmann created a model that links together weather and climate, thus answering the question of why climate models can be reliable despite weather being changeable and chaotic.

And Sapienza University of Rome physicist Parisi, over the course of his career, discovered hidden patterns in disordered complex materials, making it possible to understand and describe many different and apparently entirely random materials and phenomena in all areas of science and mathematics.

The three scientists will split the $1.1 million cash prize. The Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded Monday, with prizes for chemistry, literature, peace and economics to be awarded later this week and early next week.

Source: Voice of America

Australian Researchers Tout Dengue Fever Mosquito Breakthrough

Researchers in Australia have shown a bacteria can sterilize and eradicate a disease-carrying mosquito that is responsible for spreading dengue, yellow fever and Zika.

Three million male Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever mosquitoes, were released in the trial at three sites in Northern Queensland state. They were reared at James Cook University in Cairns and sterilized with a naturally-occurring bacteria called Wolbachia.

Researchers say the bacteria appears to have changed part of the male insects’ reproductive biology, so that female mosquitoes that mate with them lay eggs that do not hatch.

The flying insects were released over a 20-week period in 2018. Mosquito numbers subsequently fell by more than 80%. When scientists returned the following year, they found one of the trial areas had almost no mosquitoes.

Nigel Beebe is an associate professor at the University of Queensland and research scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, or CSIRO. He hopes the sterilization method will eventually be used in developing countries.

“We wanted to show in a developed country that the technology was robust, we could mass rear mosquitoes. It is not very expensive to mass rear mosquitoes and it is really the separation of the males from the females,” he said.

The Australian team plans to use a similar technique to suppress the virus-spreading Asian Tiger mosquito that has become established in the Torres Strait in northern Australia.

“At the moment we have to use relatively sophisticated technology to do that. But we are now trying to build something that is much more robust and can be used in tropical countries and will be relatively cheap to actually be able separate the males from the females. The mass rearing of the mosquitoes is actually pretty cheap to do. So, I think, absolutely we will have application in developing countries,” saId Beebe.

Researchers elsewhere are looking at ways to use sterile male mosquitos to curb the spread of malaria, but associate professor Beebe has said it was a “complicated” challenge.

More than 40% of people worldwide suffer from mosquito-borne diseases. The Australian team hopes its “environmentally-friendly mosquito control” method will help tackle current and future outbreaks of dengue and other debilitating diseases.

Source: Voice of America

Sweegen Expands Sugar Reduction Portfolio With High-Intensity Sweetener Brazzein

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Oct. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sweegen is expanding its extensive sweetener portfolio in early 2022 with the zero-calorie, high-intensity sweetener brazzein.  The product was developed in collaboration with long-term innovation partner Conagen, which has scaled it to commercial production. Brazzein is a small, heat-stable protein, 500 to 2,000 times sweeter than regular sugar, making it very attractive to food and beverage manufacturers seeking excellent value in a sweetener.

As a sweetener, brazzein promises little to no bitter aftertaste and helps to reduce sweet linger, reducing taste modulation challenges in the natural sweetener space. Brazzein is stable in a wide range of pH and retains its qualities after pasteurization.  It is also readily soluble, making it ideal for sugar reduction across a spectrum of food and beverage applications.

“Introducing a high-purity brazzein to Sweegen’s portfolio of natural sweeteners is one more creative solution for helping brands make low-calorie better-for-you products,” said Sweegen’s SVP, Head of Global Innovation, Shari Mahon. “Brands can look forward to exploring the synergistic benefits of combining brazzein and stevia for reducing sugar in food and beverages in a cost-effective way.”

As a sweet protein, brazzein has great promise to fit into consumer diets, such as Keto, diabetes, or low-to-no carbohydrate lifestyles. Health-conscious consumers are also turning away from artificial sweeteners and accepting nature-based sweeteners, such as stevia and allulose.

Brazzein’s extraordinary qualities stand out among high-intensity sweeteners, but the quest to scale and commercialize it has proven difficult until now. Found sparingly in nature, brazzein derives from the West African climbing plant’s fruit, oubli. To scale brazzein sustainably, Conagen produces it by a proprietary precision fermentation process, a technology producing clean, nature-based ingredients.

“Brazzein is the first product generated from our new peptide platform, which fits well into our existing world-scale, precision fermentation infrastructure,” said Conagen’s Vice President of Innovation, Casey Lippmeier, Ph.D. “Peptides and small proteins like brazzein can be very difficult to make economically.  However, now that we have successfully scaled this peptide, we expect more sustainable, novel peptide ingredients will rapidly follow.”

About Sweegen

Sweegen provides sweet taste solutions for food and beverage manufacturers around the world.

We are on a mission to reduce the sugar and artificial sweeteners in our global diet.  Partnering with customers, we create delicious zero-sugar products that consumers love.  With the best next-generation stevia sweeteners in our portfolio, such as Signature Bestevia® Rebs B, D, E, I, M, and N, along with our deep knowledge of flavor modulators and texturants, Sweegen delivers market-leading solutions that customers want, and consumers prefer. Be well. Choose well.

For more information, please contact and visit Sweegen’s website,

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including, among other statements, statements regarding the future prospects for Reb M stevia leaf sweetener. These statements are based on current expectations but are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and are beyond the control of Sweegen, Inc.

Relevant risks and uncertainties include those referenced in the historic filings of Sweegen, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements, and therefore should be carefully considered. Sweegen, Inc. assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements due to new information or future events or developments.


Ana Arakelian

New Research in Kosovo Highlights Connection Between Children’s Poor Vision and Learning and Development

Study underscores link between uncorrected poor vision and children’s potential

DALLAS, Oct. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A new study, a collaboration of  the Vision Impact Institute, EdGuard Institute, and ESSILOR’s Vision for Life™ social impact fund, offers new insight into the correlation between uncorrected poor vision and children’s functional, learning, and behavioral capacities.

Vision Impact Institute logo

The study, the first of its kind conducted in Kosovo’s schools, suggests that one in three children reported difficulties seeing the board in their classroom.  Findings also show that children with poor vision have a higher risk of developing incapacitating symptoms than children with good vision. These children:

  • Often report headaches and eye disorders (tired, itching, burning eyes), and modify their physical behavior when learning: squinting, getting closer to the book, resting on their wrist, or sitting in the first desk.
  • Have their learning capacity (reading, writing, doing homework) affected more often than children with good vision, and encounter more difficulties playing sports.
  • Feel uncomfortable when playing with others, and frustrated when poor eyesight hinders completion of homework.

“This research is an important collaborative effort, because it not only addresses the issues that children with poor vision experience when learning, but also addresses the psychosocial impact that affects how children learn to interact with their peers and their environment,” says Eva Lazuka-Nicoulaud, Director, Europe and Africa.

“The baseline findings show the need to develop a sustainable roadmap and introduce policies to ensure every child has access to universal eye care services,” says Kristan Gross, Global Executive Director. “All stakeholders, parents, teachers, and eye care professionals have a role to play in creating a foundation for a healthy and productive future for children.”

About the Vision Impact Institute
The Vision Impact Institute’s mission is to raise awareness of the importance of vision correction and protection to make good vision a global priority. Its Advisory Board is comprised of four independent international experts: Pr. Clare Gilbert (United Kingdom), Mr. Allyala Nandakumar (United States),   Dr. Serge Resnikoff (Switzerland), and Dr. Wang Wei (China).

The Vision Impact Institute is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which receives support from the Vision for Life Fund from Essilor, the world leader in ophthalmic optics. The Vision Impact Institute hosts a unique database of research  and advocacy  tools at .


Kristan Gross
Global Executive Director

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US Duo Win Nobel Medicine Prize for Heat and Touch Work

US scientists David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian on Monday won the Nobel Medicine Prize for discoveries on receptors for temperature and touch, the jury said.

"The groundbreaking discoveries... by this year's Nobel Prize laureates have allowed us to understand how heat, cold and mechanical force can initiate the nerve impulses that allow us to perceive and adapt to the world," the Nobel jury said.

"In our daily lives we take these sensations for granted, but how are nerve impulses initiated so that temperature and pressure can be perceived? This question has been solved by this year's Nobel Prize laureates."

Julius, a professor at the University of California in San Francisco and Patapoutian, a professor at Scripps Research in California, will share the Nobel Prize cheque for 10 million Swedish kronor ($1.1 million, one million euros).

Last year, the award went to three virologists for the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus.

While the 2020 award was handed out as the pandemic raged, this is the first time the entire selection process has taken place under the shadow of Covid-19.

Nominations close each year at the end of January, and at that time last year the novel coronavirus was still largely confined to China.

The Nobel season continues on Tuesday with the award for physics and Wednesday with chemistry, followed by the much-anticipated prizes for literature on Thursday and peace on Friday before the economics prize winds things up on Monday, October 11.

Source: Voice of America

‘Captain Kirk’ Heading to Space

Actor William Shatner, best known for his portrayal of space explorer Captain James T. Kirk in the “Star Trek” television series, announced he will travel to space later this month.

Shatner, 90, will blast off October 12 aboard a Blue Origin rocket. Blue Origin is the space travel company of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

If successful, Shatner would be the oldest person ever to travel to space. He will be joined by three other passengers on Blue Origin’s second space venture.

Bezos was among the first Blue Origin passengers in July.

The flight is expected to last about 10 minutes and reach an altitude of 106 kilometers.

"I've heard about space for a long time now. I'm taking the opportunity to see it for myself. What a miracle," Shatner said in a statement.

In a tweet, the actor wrote, “So now I can say something. Yes, it’s true; I’m going to be a ‘rocket man!’ a referral to his spoken-word cover version of singer-songwriter Elton John’s famous song.

Source: Voice of America

WHO Chief: ‘No Country Can Vaccinate Its Way Out of This Pandemic in Isolation’

“The pandemic has destabilized societies, economies, and governments. It has shown that there is no global security without global health security,” World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a recent address to ambassadors and representatives to the European Union’s political and security committee.

“The fastest and best way to end this pandemic is with genuine global cooperation on vaccine supply and access,” Tedros said. “The longer vaccine inequity persists, the longer the social and economic turmoil will continue, and the more opportunity the virus has to circulate and change into more dangerous variants. We need a global realization that no country can vaccinate its way out of this pandemic in isolation from the rest of the world.”

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center reported Sunday it had recorded 234.6 million global COVID infections and nearly 5 million deaths.

Thousands marched Saturday in Bucharest, Romania, to protest restrictions that begin Sunday to combat a jump in coronavirus infections.

The European nation of 19 million is seeing a shocking rise in the daily number of coronavirus cases. A month ago, the number was about 1,000 new cases a day. On Saturday, Romania reported more than 12,500 new cases, its highest number since the pandemic began in March of last year.

Protesters, mostly maskless, gathered outside government offices, shouting "Freedom, freedom without certificates," and "Down with the government," according to Reuters. One sign read: "Green certificates = dictatorship," The Associated Press reported.

The demonstration was organized by Romania's far-right AUR party, the AP said.

The rising cases have strained the nation’s hospitals — intensive care beds are nearly full — and the protests angered some medical workers.

"The situation in hospitals is serious," Beatrice Mahler, hospital manager of Bucharest's Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumology, told The Associated Press. "We have patients hospitalized in beds in the hallway — all with extremely severe forms of COVID-19."

The restrictions scheduled to take effect Sunday include requiring masks be worn in public, and that shops close at 10 p.m. local time.

Public spaces such as restaurants, theaters and gyms, can remain open — some at only partial capacity — for customers who have COVID-19 passes, meaning they are fully vaccinated, or show proof they have had the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Romania has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union, 33.5% of all adults are fully vaccinated, second only to Bulgaria.

There is a weekend curfew in effect for unvaccinated Romanians, and there are plans to make vaccinations mandatory for health care workers, Reuters said.

Since the pandemic began, Romania has recorded nearly 1.25 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 37,000 people have died, according to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

Russia’s vaccine

Russia’s health minister, Mikhail Murashko, said Saturday that just some paperwork needs to be finished before its Sputnik V vaccine can be registered with the World Health Organization.

The shot has been approved in more than 70 countries and is used widely in Russia. If it wins approval from the WHO and the European Medicines Agency, that could make it available to other markets, Reuters said.

The WHO could not be immediately reached for comment, Reuters added.

Nicaragua shots

Nicaragua has OK’d two Cuban-made vaccines for use in the Central American nation, the Cuban manufacturer, BioCubaFarma, said Saturday.

Cuba developed three coronavirus vaccines, all of which are awaiting official recognition by the WHO, Reuters reported. Nicaragua authorized Abdala and Soberana for emergency use.

Iran, Vietnam and Venezuela have also OK’d the Cuban vaccines for emergency use in their countries.

Source: Voice of America

British Company Develops Saliva-Based COVID Test

A British company says it has developed an easy-to-administer, saliva-based test that can detect whether a person is infectious enough to pass along the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The company, Vatic, said in a statement that its test is “extremely accurate” and has not returned a single false positive result in its test group. “This is so important for getting life back to normal,” the company said.

Vatic said its “mission was to design a test that people won’t mind using multiple times a week.”

Tests results are available in 15 minutes, the company said.

The test is not available to the public yet as it undergoes more trials but Vatic is seeking approval for its sale directly to the public.

A report in The Economist says COVID in 2020 has brought an abrupt halt to the steady rise of the rate of lIfe expectancy.

Impact on life expectancy

Researchers in Britain, Denmark and Germany said that between 2019 and 2020 life expectancy dropped in all but two of the 28 countries surveyed.

Life expectancy rose in Denmark and Norway and for women in Finland. Meanwhile, male life expectancy fell by more than a year in Italy, Poland and Spain and fell by more than two years in the United States.

Another report in The Economist says that the death rate from COVID in the U.S. “is about eight times higher in America than in the rest of the rich world” due to vaccine hesitancy and other factors.

The report said, “America’s antipathy to vaccines and continued resistance to other interventions, particularly among Republicans, is worrying. YouGov’s poll indicates that, among those who voted for [former U.S. President] Donald Trump in 2020, 31% say they will not get vaccinated, 71% strongly disapprove of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate and nearly 40% never wear a face mask. That remains a deadly combination.”

“The pandemic has destabilized societies, economies, and governments. It has shown that there is no global security without global health security,” World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said about COVID-19 in a recent address to ambassadors and representatives to the European Union’s political and security committee.

“The fastest and best way to end this pandemic is with genuine global cooperation on vaccine supply and access,” Tedros said. “The longer vaccine inequity persists, the longer the social and economic turmoil will continue, and the more opportunity the virus has to circulate and change into more dangerous variants. We need a global realization that no country can vaccinate its way out of this pandemic in isolation from the rest of the world.”

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center reported Sunday it had recorded 234.6 million global COVID infections and nearly 5 million deaths.

Protests in Romania

Thousands marched Saturday in Bucharest, Romania, to protest restrictions that begin Sunday to combat a jump in coronavirus infections.

The European nation of 19 million is seeing a shocking rise in the daily number of coronavirus cases. A month ago, the number was about 1,000 new cases a day. On Saturday, Romania reported more than 12,500 new cases, its highest number since the pandemic began in March of last year.

Protesters, mostly maskless, gathered outside government offices, shouting "Freedom, freedom without certificates," and "Down with the government," according to Reuters. One sign read: "Green certificates = dictatorship," The Associated Press reported.

The demonstration was organized by Romania's far-right AUR party, the AP said.

The rising cases have strained the nation’s hospitals — intensive care beds are nearly full — and the protests angered some medical workers.

"The situation in hospitals is serious," Beatrice Mahler, hospital manager of Bucharest's Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumology, told The Associated Press. "We have patients hospitalized in beds in the hallway — all with extremely severe forms of COVID-19."

The restrictions scheduled to take effect Sunday include requiring masks be worn in public, and that shops close at 10 p.m. local time.

Public spaces such as restaurants, theaters and gyms, can remain open — some at only partial capacity — for customers who have COVID-19 passes, meaning they are fully vaccinated, or show proof they have had the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Romania has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union, 33.5% of all adults are fully vaccinated, second only to Bulgaria.

There is a weekend curfew in effect for unvaccinated Romanians, and there are plans to make vaccinations mandatory for health care workers, Reuters said.

Since the pandemic began, Romania has recorded nearly 1.25 million cases of COVID-19 and more than 37,000 people have died, according to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

Source: Voice of America

Untapped Global partners with Paga to boost digital payments for Nigerian SMEs

Smart Asset Financing fast tracks digitization for over 120,000 small businesses

LAGOS, Nigeria, Oct. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Untapped Global, an investment company focused on emerging markets, announces a scale up of its partnership with Paga, the mobile payment and financial services company. The program finances point-of-sale devices (POS) for merchants in Nigeria, the largest country in Africa, but still underserved when it comes to financial services.

The collaboration between Paga and Untapped focuses on empowering small businesses to accept digital payments and bring financial services to the masses. The financing is structured to lower the overall cost of entry for merchants to acquire a handheld POS terminal and other digital tools for their businesses, making it easy for them to buy, sell, and get paid.

Untapped Global Logo

“We are excited to scale our POS rollout program with Untapped,” said Tayo Oviosu, Founder and CEO of Paga Group. “We have built the best on-ramps and off-ramps for cash in Nigeria through the Paga agent network and are further digitizing merchants via our new merchant platform, Doroki. Across our ecosystem, we currently have over 33,000 merchants. Our collaboration with Untapped is accelerating our progress to reaching 120,000 merchants in the next two years by lowering the startup and onboarding costs for merchants.”

Untapped Global offers Smart Asset Financing to asset-based businesses across Africa and other emerging markets. Smart Asset Financing is an innovative investment model that provides flexible capital for fast-growing enterprises like Paga, leveraging technology to make investments safer and more profitable for investors by tracking assets and capturing revenue in real-time.

Paga’s POS devices enable merchants to accept cards, mobile payments, and other forms of digital payments, and offer other value-add financial services to customers. The financing from Untapped is unique, as payments are recovered from the revenues earned on the devices. Lowering the cost of entry for using mobile payments is key to delivering the benefits of Africa’s growing fintech revolution to even the smallest businesses.

“The network of the POS devices that will be available for merchants via this partnership is powerful,” Untapped founder and CEO, Jim Chu, commented. “It enables a seamless process for merchants and their customers to buy, sell, and get paid. We’re excited to use Smart Asset Financing to greatly increase access to financial services across Nigeria with partners that know the space best, like Paga.”

Untapped and Paga had an initial and successful pilot in 2021. Scaling up the availability of the devices shows the impact these devices have on small businesses, particularly in emerging markets like Nigeria.

“Our goal at Paga Group is to make it simple for 1 billion people to pay, get paid, and access financial services,” Oviosu said. “The team at Untapped is aligned with that goal, and the current partnership showcases its objective to ensure that entrepreneurs have the opportunity to scale to their full potential.”

About Paga:
Paga is a payments and financial services ecosystem for Africa. Our ecosystem is similar to that of Square and PayPal as we focus on helping both consumers and sellers pay, get paid, and access financial services. Our first market is Nigeria where we now have over 18 million unique users.

About Untapped Global:
On a mission to empower the next billion entrepreneurs to scale to their full potential, Untapped creates opportunity by connecting frontier market innovators to global investors through its Smart Asset Financing™ platform that provides CAPEX financing for revenue-generating assets around the world, and its global investment network, The Nest.