Des chercheurs de KFSH&RC et de KAUST découvrent le gène responsable de la reproduction de la souche de paludisme la plus dangereuse qui soit

RIYADH, Arabie saoudite, 07 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Il s’agit là d’une véritable découverte scientifique : en collaboration avec l’université des sciences et technologies du roi Abdallah (« KAUST ») et aux côtés de chercheurs venant du Royaume-Uni, des États-Unis et d’Inde, une équipe de chercheurs du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (« KFSH&RC ») a mis au jour un gène important essentiel à la lutte contre le paludisme. Ce gène, baptisé PfAP2-MRP, joue un rôle primordial dans le processus de réplication de Plasmodium falciparum, le parasite responsable de la souche de paludisme la plus létale.

Des techniques de laboratoire avancées ont permis aux chercheurs d’inhiber le gène PfAP2-MRP, révélant ainsi son rôle critique dans le cycle de vie du parasite responsable du paludisme dans les globules rouges. L’inhibition vient compromettre la capacité du parasite à se reproduire, atténuant ainsi la gravité des symptômes de la maladie et limitant sa propagation. Cette découverte a de grandes répercussions, car elle porte sur le paludisme provoqué par Plasmodium falciparum, qui chaque année coûte la vie à plus de 500 000 personnes.

Le Dr Ashraf Dada, président du service de pathologie et de médecine de laboratoire au King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre à Djeddah et chercheur en chef, explique : « Cette découverte ouvre la voie au développement de traitements plus efficaces contre la souche de la maladie la plus létale, Plasmodium falciparum. » Par ailleurs, cette étude permet aux scientifiques de mieux comprendre la progression de la maladie et son interaction avec le système immunitaire de l’être humain, contribuant par là même à renforcer les initiatives de lutte contre la propagation du parasite responsable du paludisme le plus fréquemment rencontré en Afrique.

Qui plus est, l’étude en question a démontré que le gène PfAP2-MRP régulait la production de récepteurs protéiques diversifiés sur le plan génétique permettant au parasite d’échapper aux attaques du système immunitaire de l’hôte. Ce mécanisme joue un rôle déterminant dans la propagation du paludisme et met en exergue l’importance du gène dans le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques futures.

Publiée dans la prestigieuse revue Nature, cette étude fort intéressante est le fruit de l’étroite collaboration entre KFSH&RC et KAUST dans le cadre d’activités de recherche innovantes visant à faciliter la détection de la présence de microbes, bactéries et parasites, tout en soulignant l’effort de lutte contre les pathogènes et d’amélioration de la santé humaine entrepris à l’échelle mondiale.

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre compte parmi les leaders mondiaux de la prestation de soins de santé spécialisés, encourageant l’innovation et servant de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Par l’entremise de partenariats stratégiques avec des institutions locales, régionales et internationales, l’hôpital s’emploie à faire avancer les technologies médicales et à élever les normes en matière de soins à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (« KFSH&RC ») est un établissement de santé de premier plan au Moyen-Orient, dont l’ambition est de devenir le meilleur choix pour chaque patient nécessitant des soins spécialisés. L’hôpital se targue d’un palmarès richement doté en matière de traitement de cancers et de maladies cardiovasculaires, de transplantation d’organes, de neurosciences et de génétique.

En 2023, le cabinet de conseil Brand Finance a attribué au KFSH&RC la première place sur le podium des centres médicaux universitaires au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique et l’a classé parmi les 20 meilleurs au niveau mondial. En outre, en 2022, le magazine Newsweek a reconnu l’hôpital comme un chef de file de la prestation de soins de santé à l’échelle internationale.

Dans le cadre du programme saoudien Vision 2030, un décret royal prévoyant de faire de l’hôpital une entité publique indépendante à but non lucratif a été publié le 21 décembre 2021, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un programme de transformation exhaustif visant à devenir un leader mondial des soins de santé grâce à l’excellence et à l’innovation.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :
M. Essam Al-Zahrani, Responsable des relations avec les médias, 0555254429
M. Abdullah Al-Awn, Chargé de la coordination avec les médias, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9033396

Pesquisadores do KFSH&RC & KAUST Descobrem Gene Responsável pela Reprodução da Cepa da Malária Mais Perigosa

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em um grande avanço científico, uma equipe de pesquisa do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC), em colaboração com o King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), e em conjunto com pesquisadores do Reino Unido, dos EUA e da Índia, descobriu um gene vital fundamental para o combate à malária. Este gene, denominado PfAP2-MRP, é essencial no processo de replicação de Plasmodium falciparum, o parasita que causa a cepa mais letal da malária.

Técnicas laboratoriais avançadas permitiram que os pesquisadores inibissem o gene PfAP2-MRP, revelando seu papel essencial no ciclo de vida do parasita da malária nos glóbulos vermelhos. Essa inibição interrompe significativamente a capacidade do parasita de se reproduzir, reduzindo a gravidade dos sintomas da doença e restringindo sua disseminação. Esta descoberta é particularmente impactante, pois aborda a malária Plasmodium falciparum, que mata mais de meio milhão de pessoas todos os anos.

O Dr. Ashraf Dada, Presidente do Departamento de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre em Jeddah e pesquisador principal, disse: “Esta descoberta abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de tratamentos mais eficazes para a cepa mais mortal da malária, o Plasmodium falciparum.” Este estudo aumenta a compreensão da comunidade científica sobre a progressão da doença e sua interação com o sistema imunológico humano, e aprimora os esforços de combate a este parasita da malária tão prevalente na África.

Além disso, a pesquisa demonstrou que o gene PfAP2-MRP regula a produção de receptores proteicos geneticamente diversos, permitindo que o parasita engane o sistema imunológico do hospedeiro. Esse mecanismo desempenha um papel significativo na disseminação global da malária e ressalta a importância do gene no desenvolvimento de futuras estratégias terapêuticas.

Publicado na prestigiada revista “Nature”, este estudo notável faz parte de uma estreita colaboração entre o KFSH&RC e o KAUST nas atividades de pesquisas inovadoras destinadas não apenas a aprimorar o diagnóstico de micróbios, bactérias e parasitas, mas também ressalta um esforço global para o combate de patógenos e melhoria da saúde humana.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um hubs avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) é uma instituição de saúde líder no Oriente Médio, idealizada para ser a escolha ideal para todos os pacientes que procuram cuidados de saúde especializados. O hospital tem uma longa história de tratamento de câncer, doença cardiovascular, transplante de órgãos, neurociências e genética.

Em 2023, o “Brand Finance” classificou o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre como o melhor centro médico acadêmico do Oriente Médio e da África e entre os 20 melhores do mundo. Além disso, em 2022 ele foi reconhecido como um dos principais provedores de cuidado de saúde pela revista Newsweek.

Como parte da Saudi Vision 2030, um decreto real foi emitido em 21 de dezembro de 2021 visando transformar o hospital em uma entidade independente, sem fins lucrativos e de propriedade do governo, abrindo caminho para um programa abrangente de transformação com objetivo de alcançar a liderança global em cuidados de saúde por meio da excelência e inovação.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em

Para mais informações, contate:
Sr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Dirigente de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429
Sr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Diretor de Coordenação de Mídia, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9033396

Líderes no Luxo: Automobili Pininfarina Reconhecida com Três Prêmios Internacionais

  • A Automobili Pininfarina começa 2024 com vários prêmios ganhos por seu design
  • A PURA Vision recebeu o prêmio Silver na categoria Produtos Conceituais / Design de Produtos Automotivos e de Transporte no International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina nomeada “Luxury Electric Performance Car Manufacturer of the Year 2024” pela LUXlife Magazine
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina é coroado o Melhor Hipercarro Elétrico no Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024
  • O conjunto completo de ativos para apoiar as notícias pode ser encontrado aqui

CAMBIANO, Itália, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Automobili Pininfarina deu início a 2024 com três prêmios conquistados, continuando a construir o sucesso de um ano anterior que bateu recordes.

A revista LUXlife nomeou a Automobili Pininfarina como “Fabricante de carros de luxo de desempenho elétrico do ano de 2024” em sua premiação anual.

Comemorando as conquistas inigualáveis e a criatividade excepcional no reino do luxo, os prêmios LUXlife homenageiam os líderes e pioneiros que redefinem a excelência no setor, estabelecendo padrões mais elevados de sofisticação e elegância. A Automobili Pininfarina foi a vencedora na categoria “Líderes em Luxo”.

Isso foi seguido por outra vitória para o conceito de design da PURA Vision, que recebeu o prêmio Silver em Conceptual Products / Automotive & Transport Product Design no 2024 International Design Awards.

O PURA Vision representa o início do que promete ser uma era inovadora para os veículos de luxo elétricos e foi escrito pelo Diretor de Design, Dave Amantea. Foi apresentado na Monterey Car Week de 2023.

Dave Amantea, Diretor de Design, comentou: “Nossa filosofia de design PURA tem tudo a ver com simplicidade e beleza atemporal, que é projetada em cada modelo da Automobili Pininfarina. A silhueta elegante e as proporções dramáticas expressam essa linguagem no PURA Vision, concebido aqui como o primeiro Veículo Utilitário de Luxo Elétrico (e-LUV) de sua categoria.”

Os princípios da filosofia PURA, estabelecidos pela Automobili Pininfarina, transformam o DNA de modelos icônicos do passado da Pininfarina SpA para definir o futuro, equilibrando a inspiração de carros clássicos icônicos com elementos futuristas.

Inspirado em proporções clássicas e detalhes requintados, o PURA Vision apresenta uma silhueta elegante com proporções ousadas de cabine traseira que combinam beleza atemporal com detalhes requintados para criar uma identidade dinâmica com presença inconfundível. Entre as características que chamam a atenção estão o vidro estreito e as portas sem colunas com abertura tripla, que proporcionam acesso supremo à sua sofisticada cabine.

Mais recentemente, o Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina foi eleito o Melhor Hipercarro Elétrico no Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024. Apresentado no Goodwood Festival of Speed de 2023, ele é uma homenagem à lenda das corridas Nino Farina – sobrinho do fundador da empresa, Battista “Pinin” Farina, e o primeiro campeão mundial de Fórmula 1.

Cada um dos cinco exemplares exclusivos apresenta um detalhe requintado que faz referência a um marco diferente na carreira de corrida de Nino. Com acabamento em uma pintura Rosso Nino sob medida, complementada por uma pintura especial na parte inferior da carroceria, com acabamento em Bianco Sestriere e Iconica Blu, o design exterior é complementado pelas rodas de liga leve Glorioso de alumínio forjado com 10 raios Satin Gold.

Contatos com a imprensa

Duncan Forrester
Diretor de comunicações
(M) +49 (0) 171 265 4094
Akira Shinonuma
Gerente de comunicações
(M) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Automobili Pininfarina tem sua sede operacional em Munique, Alemanha, com uma equipe de executivos automotivos experientes de marcas de carros de luxo e premium. Projetado, concebido e produzido manualmente na Itália, o Battista hyper GT e todos os modelos futuros serão vendidos em todos os principais mercados globais sob a marca Pininfarina. O objetivo da empresa é projetar experiências para os principais fabricantes de sabores do mundo. A Automobili Pininfarina GmbH é um investimento de 100% da Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd após a assinatura de um contrato de licença de marca registrada entre a Pininfarina S.p.A. e a Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. A Pininfarina S.p.A. tem um papel influente no apoio às capacidades de design e produção com base em sua experiência única de 94 anos na produção de muitos dos carros mais icônicos do mundo.

As fotos que acompanham este anúncio estão disponíveis em:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000912370

Les leaders du luxe : Automobili Pininfarina récompensée par trois prix internationaux

  • Automobili Pininfarina entame l’année 2024 en remportant plusieurs prix récompensant ses designs
  • PURA Vision a reçu le prix d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Design de produits automobiles et de transport lors des International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina a été nommé « Fabricant de voitures électriques performantes de luxe de l’année 2024 » par le magazine LUXlife
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommé « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024
  • Une série complète de ressources pour accompagner ces informations peut être consultée ici

CAMBIANO, Italie, 07 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automobili Pininfarina a démarré l’année 2024 en remportant trois prix, continuant ainsi à consolider le succès de son année précédente record.

Le magazine LUXlife a désigné le constructeur Automobili Pininfarina « Constructeur de voitures électriques de luxe performantes de l’année 2024 » à l’occasion de ses récompenses annuelles.

Reconnaissant les progrès inégalés et la créativité exceptionnelle du monde du luxe, les prix LUXlife récompensent les leaders et les pionniers qui redéfinissent l’excellence au sein de l’industrie, pour instaurer de nouveaux standards en matière de sophistication et d’élégance. Automobili Pininfarina a été récompensée dans la catégorie « Leaders du luxe ».

Cette récompense a été suivie d’une autre pour le concept de PURA Vision, qui a reçu la médaille d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Conception de produits automobiles et de transport lors des 2024 International Design Awards.

La PURA Vision, conçue par Dave Amantea, Chief Design Officer, marque le début de ce qui promet d’être une nouvelle ère pour les véhicules électriques de luxe. Elle a été présentée lors de la Monterey Car Week 2023.

Dave Amantea, directeur du design, a commenté : « Notre philosophie de design PURA est axée sur la simplicité et la beauté intemporelle que l’on retrouve dans tous les modèles d’Automobili Pininfarina. Cette idée s’exprime dans la silhouette élégante et les proportions saisissantes de la PURA Vision, envisagée ici comme un véhicule utilitaire électrique de luxe (e-LUV) novateur » .

Les principes de la philosophie PURA, établis par Automobili Pininfarina, redéfinissent l’ADN des modèles emblématiques passés de Pininfarina SpA pour réécrire l’avenir, en combinant l’inspiration des voitures classiques emblématiques avec des éléments futuristes.

Inspirée par les proportions et les détails raffinés des voitures classiques, PURA Vision se distingue par une silhouette élégante avec des proportions audacieuses à l’arrière de la cabine et combine une beauté intemporelle avec des détails exquis pour créer une identité complexe avec une présence inimitable. Parmi ses caractéristiques les plus remarquables, on peut citer son vitrage étroit et ses portières sans montants à triple ouverture, qui offrent un accès exceptionnel à son habitacle sophistiqué.

Plus récemment, l’Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommée « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024. Présentée lors du Goodwood Festival of Speed 2023, elle rend hommage à la légende de la course automobile Nino Farina, neveu du fondateur de la société, Battista « Pinin » Farina, et premier champion du monde de Formule 1.

Chacun des cinq exemplaires uniques présente un détail particulier qui fait référence à une étape importante de la carrière de Nino dans le monde de la course automobile. Avec une finition en Rosso Nino sur mesure complétée par une livrée spéciale sur la partie inférieure de la carrosserie, en Bianco Sestriere et Iconica Blu, le design extérieur est complété par des jantes Glorioso en alliage d’aluminium forgé à 10 rayons, de couleur or satiné.

Contacts presse

Duncan Forrester
Directeur de la communication
(M) +49 (0) 171 265 4094
Akira Shinonuma
Responsable de la communication
(M) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Le siège des opérations d’Automobili Pininfarina se trouve à Munich, Allemagne, et réunit une équipe de cadres expérimentés dans le domaine de l’automobile, issus de marques de voitures de luxe et de haut de gamme. Conçue, dessinée et produite à la main en Italie, la Battista hyper GT et tous les futurs modèles seront vendus sur les principaux marchés internationaux sous la marque Pininfarina. L’entreprise a pour objectif de concevoir des expériences pour les plus grands influenceurs de goût du monde. Automobili Pininfarina GmbH est un investissement à 100 % de Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd suite à la signature d’un accord de licence de marque entre Pininfarina S.p.A. et Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Pininfarina S.p.A. joue un rôle important dans les activités de conception et de production en s’appuyant sur son expérience unique de 94 ans dans la production de nombreuses voitures comptant parmi les plus emblématiques au monde.

Les photos accompagnant cette publication sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante :

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Sousse hosts 3rd session of Regional Forum of Investment and Entrepreneurship

The third session of the Regional Forum of Investment and Entrepreneurship, held Wednesday in Sousse, focused on providing funding and support to entrepreneurs. The event also shed light on the various investment opportunities the governorate of Sousse offers to investors in the fields of mechatronics, communication technologies, tourism, fishing as well as in the car components industry and the pharmaceutical industry. Taking the floor, Governor of Sousse, Nabil Ferjani, spoke of the legislation and incentive measures provided by the State to promote investment projects and encourage the establishment of international firms in the region. He recalled that the policies and guidelines adopted to stimulate investment are mainly based on activating the transition from a unilateral economy to an integrated economy focused on innovation in high value-added sectors. He underlined the importance of the social economic policy adopted in our Tunisia, particularly following the promulgation of Law No. 30 of 2020 re lated to the social and solidarity economy, and after the publication of Decree No. 15 of 2022 related to communitarian enterprises, based on collective entrepreneurship, social benefit and fair distribution of wealth. Efforts to promote investment in the region are supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation (API), the Sousse Competitiveness Cluster, the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS), and the Central Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIC) and The Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency (APIA). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Banfora: Fire in progress at the SOFITEX factory (11:15 pm)Women account for 55% of researchers in Tunisia

Banfora: Firefighters helped by many other citizens have been fighting for almost three hours to put out a fire that broke out at SOFITEX, noted a journalist from the site on site. 'AIB. At the time we were writing these lines, four thousand bales of cotton would have gone up in smoke. Three machines were busy bringing the other bales to safety. It was the Banfora I factory that was affected and the causes of the fire are currently unknown. Source: Burkina Information Agency Female researchers account for 55% of all researchers in Tunisia, said Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Moncef Boukthir. 66% of the researchers working in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry's research centres are women, i.e. a higher rate than that recorded by some technologically advanced countries, he specified at a study day held, on Wednesday in Tunis, on the Prize for Best Female Researcher for the year 2022-2023 about the adaptation to climate change. The minister further pointed out that female students account for about 70% of higher education graduates and that the number of female PhD students is higher than males, underlining that the number of female students in some fields, such as social sciences and law, far exceeds the number of male students. The presence of women in education and scientific research has grown, Boukthir added, indicating that women account for 50% of the academic staff. Equal chances is the most important principle on which the higher education and scientific research system in Tunisia is based. However, the minister pointed out that the number of unemployed female higher education graduates is higher than that of males. There is need to adopt public policies based on a comprehensive vision of employement and pre-employment so as to increase the number of female higher education graduates, Boukthir said, indicating that the ministry supports Tunisian female researchers, notably in priority sectors. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis to host Masterclass on dried tomatoes, Feb. 14

Masterclass dedicated to dried tomatoes will be held on February 14 at the Académie des Chefs, with the support of the Project for Market Access of Typical Agrofood Products (PAMPAT). This event will offer an opportunity to discover the various uses of dried tomatoes, through interactive culinary demonstrations. A producer will also be on hand to explain the production process, and a nutritionist will share the benefits of this local product with a thousand virtues, according to a press release issued by the organisers. "Tomato production and processing represents a very important agri-food sector in Tunisia. In terms of production, Tunisia is ranked among the top 10 tomato processing countries in the world. The tomato sector employs around 10,000 farmers and covers an area of 20,000 hectares," according PAMPAT website. "The production of dried tomatoes is rapidly developing in Tunisia and shows a great dynamism. Industrial drying is a rather recent economic activity, but it has been expanding quickly and has seen its annual production rise to an average of 6,000 tonnes in recent years," the same source says, specifying that "in Tunisia there are more than twenty structured enterprises and a large number of production facilities that belong to the informal sector." "Dried tomatoes rank 3rd among the most important products in the Tunisian canned food sector, after tomato concentrate and harissa. Today, processing of dried tomatoes is an export-oriented activity." Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia, heavily impacted, steps up its response to climate change

Disasters caused by natural hazards have claimed 1,098 lives (excluding COVID-19), affected almost 300,000 people and destroyed or damaged almost 45,000 homes in Tunisia, since 1980 until last year (2023), said representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Mohamed Ben Saïd, on Wednesday in Tunis, during a debate on the "Prevention and management of droughts and floods," organised as part of the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum. Tunisia has experienced years of drought with a sharp increase in the number of hot days and in the average annual temperature of about 1.4%, the official added. Besides, according to the database on losses due to disasters, finalised by the Ministry of the Environment in 2014, Tunisia had been hit by around 2,500 disasters which caused 1,075 deaths between 1980 and 2013, he added. He further explained that "losses and damage due to flooding in Nabeul in 2018 were estimated at $106 million, with 2,400 jobs lost." Between 2005 and 2020, Tunisia also suffe red 4,332 forest fires, destroying some 41,000 hectares of forested areas. According to a World Bank report, rising sea levels could affect almost a quarter of Tunisia's coastal zone by 2050, potentially resulting in a total loss of land worth $1.6 billion. The likelihood of catastrophic flooding is expected to increase almost tenfold, and the cost of restoring road assets alone after such flooding may reach $277 million by 2050. Faced with these growing losses and threats, "the Ministry of Agriculture embarked on two major programmes, the first aimed at protecting towns and farmland from flooding, and the second at harnessing excess rainfall during wet periods to cover the needs of the regions most affected by drought," said representative of the dams department at the Ministry of Agriculture Faiez Msallem. As regards the project to protect towns and farmland against flooding, Msallem explained that the first part of this project covers 80 km from the Algerian border to the Sidi Salem dam, at a cost of $ 80 million (TND 220 million). This part is 85% complete. The second part involves the Mdjerda wadi and its tributaries, and will consist of calibrating the flows in this wadi to protect the surrounding towns and land. An initial call for tenders for this project has already been launched," he pointed out. "A study was launched in 2016 to model the surplus volumes in the northern water systems and decide on the transfer mechanisms to be planned," the official underlined, adding that this study takes into account the different climate change scenarios." Speaking on the same subject of actions taken to deal with the threat of flooding, officer at the Urban Hydraulics Department of the Ministry of Public Works Wafa Ben Amor said that the investment allocated by her department had risen from TND 15 million in 2011 to TND 195 million in 2023, which clearly reflects the effects of climate change on the country. The Department of Public Works is currently implementing a strategy to protect towns and urban areas f rom flooding, giving priority to the areas most at risk. "A strategic study of flood risk management in Tunisia has already been launched, at a cost of TND 12 million. This study will help map the risks and will be used to adjust future urban development plans in line with the potential risks," she added. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ONTT bureau in Beijing receives 2023 World’s Best Destination Bureaus Award

The Tunisian National Tourist Office (ONTT) bureau in Beijing has recently won the The 2023 World's Best Destination Bureaus, at the Global Luxury Hotels and Tourism Bureau Awards event, held recently in Beijing (China). Organised by the LUXURY TIMES, this event brought together leaders of the tourism and hotel industry, the major Chinese tour operators, carrier companies and professional media. This award was presented to the ONTT bureau in Beijing in recognition of its pioneering role in promoting the Tunisian destination in China, according to a Tourism Ministry press release Wednesday. This distinction will contribute to consolidate Tunisia's position as a global tourist destination and help it conquer new Asian markets, in particular China, the ministry pointed out. This award is in line with the strategy of diversifying tourist markets, through a number of initiatives aimed at fostering Tunisian-Chinese relations and drawing up a specific promotional programme for this promising tourist market. So urce: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Climate change, imminent danger for water resources and agricultural production (Minister of Agriculturei)

Climate change represents an imminent danger for water resources and agricultural production in Tunisia, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Abdelmonem Belati pointed out on Wednesday. Speaking at the opening of a study day on the prize for the best female research for the year 2022-2023 on adaptation to climate change, Belati said that the challenges of a shortage of water resources and rising temperatures were becoming ever more important. He underlined that the 33% rate at which dams had been filled following the recent rains in the country does not solve the problem of water resources' shortage, notably with the 50% rise in temperatures last summer, which is causing the daily evaporation of 900,000 m3 of surface water in Tunisia. Belati underlined in this connection, the need to press ahead with efforts to ensure good management of water resources, which had fallen to 22% by March 2023. He also described last year's grain harvest as catastrophic, since it had not exceeded 0.3 millio n tonnes, whereas the annual average for grain production is between 1.2 and 1.5 million tonnes. "The Ministry of Agriculture encourages research aimed at boosting agricultural production and ensuring good management of water resources to combat climate change, and all the research laboratories under the Ministry's authority are available to researchers who want to work in this field," he said. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse