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New Provincial Police Director Ousmane Kafando Pledges Professionalism in Kossi

Kossi: The Secretary General of the Kossi province, Firmin Bassol©, installed Police Commissioner Ousmane Kafando as the new provincial director of the Kossi police in Nouna. Commissioner Kafando pledged to fulfill his duties with professionalism following his appointment by the Council of Ministers on December 26, 2024. He succeeds Chief Commissioner Mose W. Kabor© in this role.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the installation ceremony took place on Friday, January 17, 2025, in Nouna. Commissioner Kafando expressed gratitude to God and the country's authorities for his appointment. He committed to adhering to the rules of his position and being available whenever necessary. He urged his team to work with discipline to effectively contribute to the fight against insecurity within their jurisdiction.

Outgoing Chief Commissioner Mose W. Kabor© expressed his gratitude to his colleagues for their support during his tenure. He acknowledged the administration and the people who provided valuable advice anonymously, aiding the success of his mission.

Staff representative Commissioner Henri D©sir© Kafando assured the new director of the staff's support and praised Commissioner Mose Kabor© for his leadership during his time with the Kossi national police.

Secretary General Bassol© encouraged Commissioner Kafando to be responsible, communicative, and collaborative with the population, emphasizing the importance of listening and working together.

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