Kénédougou: Academic Excellence celebrated in Guéna

The Departmental Association of Students and Schools of Kourinion organized from September 2 to 3, 2023, the 19th edition of its 48 hours in Guéna, in the rural commune of Kourinion. The event was marked by several activities.

This is the 19th consecutive year that the departmental association of students and schools (ADESK) of Guéna has organized this activity.

Indeed, created in 2001, ADESK’s general mission is to promote socio-economic, educational, cultural and health development in the Kourinion department while encouraging academic excellence.

For this edition, the theme chosen is: “Resurgence of infectious and non-infectious diseases in the department of Kourinion: cases of viral hepatitis, high blood pressure and diabetes”.

According to the president of ADESK, Yacouba Sanogo, prevention through regular checks remains the best way to fight against all these diseases mentioned.

While welcoming this initiative, the Godfather Dr Toua Fidèle Traoré, thanked the organizers for having associated him with this ceremony.

To the godchildren, he gave them advice and let them know that these awareness-raising actions that they have added to their activities will always have more impact on the grassroots populations.

On the occasion, the best students in the Kourinion department during the CEP and BEPC exams were rewarded.

Thus, the best girl and the best boy at CEP and BEPC each received a bicycle, a school bag and school supplies.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sissili/Reforestation campaign: 6,000 plants planted

The High Commissioner of the Sissili province, Tewendé Isaac Sia, chaired on Friday September 8, 2023 in Léo, the launching ceremony of the reforestation campaign of 6,000 plants called “a child a fruit tree “. The campaign was initiated by the NGO “Guardian Angels of Nature” (AGN) through its project to support the sustainable and participatory management of protected areas.

After the national launch of Arbor Day 2023, under the theme “tree symbol of community resilience in a context of insecurity” and the invitation from the Head of State to restore forests so that they strengthen the resilience of communities, the NGO “Guardian Angels of Nature” (AGN), is part of this dynamic by organizing a reforestation campaign called “a child a fruit tree”.

The launch of this activity took place this Friday, September 8, 2023 in Léo, under the patronage of the High Commissioner of the Sissili province, Tewendé Isaac Sia as well as the Presidents of the special delegation of the project intervention area, and the presence of the High Commissioner of Ziro, Saïba Zoromé.

In the opinion of the president of the NGO “the guardian angels of nature”, Bienvenu Claude Valéry Bado, this initiative aims to grant over three years 30,000 fruit plants and/or non-timber forest products for responsible plantations.

“For this 2023 campaign, 6,000 fruit trees will be planted for the benefit of children in the municipalities where the project supports the sustainable and participatory management of protected areas,” he said.

For Mr. Bado, the desired goal is to strengthen the resilience and cohesion of communities bordering the protected areas of the Ponasi ecological complex (Po, Nazinga, Sissili), for better security and better protection of the environment and its resources. .

He then invited children wishing to own a fruit tree to register with the High Commissions, the municipalities in the project intervention areas and the provincial directorates in charge of the environment.

The president of the NGO indicated that its structure involves prizes for the best plants according to a certain number of criteria. These prizes will consist, among other things, of project funding for the families of the winning children.

The High Commissioner of the province of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, greeted and thanked the NGO and its first manager for the choice made on the province of Sissili to host the present ceremony.

“With regard to the impacts of our daily actions on the environment, namely; abusive and anarchic cutting of wood, bush fires, carbonization, anarchic constructions and other harmful practices, putting young plants underground to restore the plant cover has become nowadays an imperative duty for each and everyone”, says namely Mr. Sia.

He invited the technical services and parents to support the children in maintaining their plants in order to provide them with environmental education.

The High Commissioner, on behalf of all the authorities, reassured the NGO of their permanent support for the successful implementation of this activity to the great happiness of all.

As a reminder, the resilient communities project launched on March 2 has the overall objective of increasing the resilience and social cohesion of communities bordering protected areas in order to provide better stability conducive to the development and conservation of natural spaces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Promotional outing, fight against corruption and agricultural campaign, on the newspaper menu

The Burkinabè dailies this Monday deal with monitoring of the agricultural campaign, the fight against corruption and the promotional outing of the National Gendarmerie.

“National Gendarmerie: The “Paspanga” promotion to reinforce the fighting forces”, headlines the national daily Sidwaya.

Sidwaya informs that the Prime Minister, Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélem of Tambela chaired the graduation ceremony of the 49th promotion of non-commissioned officer students of the national gendarmerie on September 8 which he named “Paspanga”.

The daily indicates that the 49th promotion is made up of 1,247 gendarmes including 40 girls and that the head of government explained that the name “Paspanga”, meaning in Moore “to add force”, underlines their essential role in strengthening the police station.

On the same subject, the private newspaper Le Pays displays: “Reconquest of national territory: 1,247 gendarme non-commissioned officers ready for combat”.

Il a précisé que le Premier ministre a affirmé que la gendarmerie est un corps d’élite dans l’armée et a souligné qu’en plus de la force physique et militaire, il a reconnu que les gendarmes ont besoin de force morale car pour lui il faut être moralement bien armé pour tenir dans certaines situations.

L’Express du Faso, pour sa part, a fait savoir que pour le chef d’Escadron Stéphane Séssouma, commandant de l’ENSOG a renseigné que quelques réformes dans la formation ont été entreprises pour faire face aux réalités du moment.

Sous un autre angle le doyen des quotidiens privés L’Observateur Paalga laisse voir à sa Une : « Lutte contre la corruption : Le chef de l’Etat invite le REN-LAC à agir ».

Selon un communiqué de la direction de la Communication et des Relations publiques des Armées retrouvé dans le journal le chef de l’Etat a accordé le 8 septembre 2023 une audience à une délégation du Réseau national de lutte anti-corruption (REN-LAC) conduite par son secrétaire exécutif, Sagado Nacanabo.

Le journal rapporte que selon Sagado Nacanabo la lutte contre la corruption peut impacter la lutte contre le terrorisme et il a dit que le REN-LAC a déjà envoyé un mémorandum avec des propositions pour lutter contre la corruption.

Sidwaya dans la même lancée a ajouté que selon Sagado Nacanabo la corruption ne peut se redresser que par la répression.

Dans un autre volet le quotidien d’Etat Sidwaya titre : « Suivi de la campagne agricole 2023-2024 : Le ministre Sombié se rassure dans les Hauts-Bassins ».

Le quotidien public renseigne que le ministre en charge de l’agriculture a séjourné dans les Hauts-Bassins du 8 au 10 septembre pour constater la mise en œuvre de la campagne rurale et galvaniser les acteurs des ressources animales dans le cadre de l’offensive agro-pastorale 2023-2025.

Il ajoute que pour que M. Dao acteur du monde agricole, la visite du ministre en charge de l’agriculture sonne comme une invite à mieux faire.

Concernant toujours la campagne agricole, le journal Le Pays indique que le commandant Ismael Sombié a effectué une visite dans les provinces de la Sissili et du Ziro situées dans la région du Centre-ouest avec pour objectif de rencontrer les producteurs agricoles locaux.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Léraba: The Noula Local Water Committee plans to release at least ten (10) hectares of water

The High Commissioner of the Léraba province, president of the Noula Local Water Committee, Mahamadi Congo, launched on Thursday September 7, 2023, the extraction activities of invasive plants in the plan of Golona water in the Douna department, rural commune located 7 km from Sindou.

In the implementation of the integrated water resources management project entitled Water, CLE of Sustainable Development (ECDD), the CLE Noula with the support of the Cascades Water Agency (AEC) and financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) has planned actions to perpetuate water bodies in the province of Léraba.

“It is in the same framework with the financial support of the State and the financial contribution in terms of water (taxes recovered from companies exploiting water resources), that the Cascades Water Agency through the CLE Noula, organized the extraction of invasive plants in the water body of the village of Golona, department of Douna, launched on Thursday September 7, 2023,” said the head of the Water Agency, Mouniratou Ouédraogo.

With the objective of significantly reducing the quantity of invasive plants in the Golona water body, CLE NOULA plans to free at least ten (10) hectares of the water body from invasive plants and then use them to produce organic manure at profit of the operators of the place.

It must be said that today’s activity saw the participation of the presidents of special delegations from Sindou and Douna, the principal director of the environment of the Léraba as well as the local populations in all.

The High Commissioner of the province of Léraba, president of CLE Noula, Mahamadi Congo, after having appreciated this mobilization of the host populations, launched an appeal for everyone to mitigate the degradation of water

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Peace Cup launch: Kombissiri beats Doulougou

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, the launch of the first edition of the cup of peace, social cohesion and living together took place in Kombissiri on provincial grounds, bringing together 5 municipalities out of the 7 that make up the province of Bazèga. For the opening match, the commune of Kombissiri beat that of Doulougou by a score of 1 goal to 0.

Cultivating peace, social cohesion and living together among the populations of the Bazèga province, such is the objective of the football tournament called the “cup of peace, social cohesion and living together”.

This tournament, which brings together 5 communes out of the 7 in the province, namely Doulougou, Gaongo, Kombissiri, Saponé and Toécé, is an initiative of the traditional chief Zinkm-Zougou Naaba Sanem of Kombissiri.

The organization of this cup according to the promoter is to bring the populations of Bazèga to live together in cohesion in order to accompany and support actions to combat insecurity in Burkina Faso.

Pour le lancement du tournoi, l’équipe de la commune de Doulougou s’est inclinée face à celle de Kombissiri par le score étriqué de 1 but à 0, en présence de nombreux supporters, des autorités provinciales et des invités venus de partout.

La Secrétaire générale de la province du Bazèga, Wossolème Clarisse Denni qui a présidé la cérémonie de lancement ainsi que le représentant des parrains, Issaka Tapsoba député à l’Assemblée législative de la transition, ont unanimement salué cette initiative du promoteur qui vise à promouvoir la paix et à lutter contre l’insécurité.

Selon le comité d’organisation, la finale du tournoi est prévue pour le 30 septembre prochain.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Social dialogue: the Head of State exchanges with market traders and yaars

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE, met this Monday morning with representatives of traders from the markets and yaars of Burkina Faso. Through direct exchanges, representatives of women, the elderly and young people reaffirmed their unwavering support for the Transition, and listed a string of grievances addressed to the Head of State.

The National Union of Traders' Associations, through its secretary general, Issaka ROUAMBA, requested from the President of the Transition, support for "the establishment of a microfinance company for the benefit of their market members with a acceptable reimbursement rate, professional training and modernization of market infrastructure.

In turn, the representatives of the different markets, as well as the representatives of certain regions, shared with the Head of State their conviction as to the success of the mission of the President of the Transition which is the reconquest of the national territory. They then discussed the difficulties facing their sector. These are essentially customs harassment, insecurity in certain markets and the unsanitary conditions observed in most markets.

The Head of State, convinced that the security situation has a negative impact on the activities of traders, praised their resilience and thanked them for the support he receives from them. "We also thank you for all that you bring to the economy of this country", added Captain TRAORE. He also presented the various initiatives carried out under his leadership to improve the living conditions of the populations.

After receiving the memorandum which includes the grievances of traders, the Head of State reassured them that the Government of the Transition is already on projects to improve their conditions through the ministry in charge of infrastructure. He also promised to carefully study the concerns with a view to finding lasting solutions.

The Head of State finally invited traders to subscribe to popular shareholding, through the Agency for the Promotion of Community Entrepreneurship (APEC), which aims to encourage the participation of Burkinabè people in the country's major projects.

Source: Burkina Information Agency