A gold marketing counter opens its doors in Ouagadougou and subscribes 5 million to the Patriotic Support Fund

Ouagadougou: SOGESS Gold trading, a gold and precious metals marketing company which has just opened its headquarters this Tuesday in Ouagadougou, has also offered 5 million FCFA to the Patriotic Support Fund, we learned 'AIB from government source. The Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries, Yacouba Zabré Gouba, chaired the opening ceremony of the headquarters of the company SOGESS, already established in certain countries in the sub-region, in the presence of the CEO of the company , Souleymane Sana. The minister welcomed a promising initiative which fits perfectly into the economic development dynamic of our nation. For him, this major project represents the creation of jobs for young people, the stimulation of our local economy and the affirmation of Burkina Faso as a major player in the gold sector. Mr. Sana recalled that his company is present in Mali, Ivory Coast and Dubai Source: Burkina Information Agency