Banwa: Launch of the seasonal malaria chemo-prevention campaign

The High Commissioner of the province of Banwa Oumarou Sandwidi went to the CSPS Urban 1 of Solenzo for the launch of the Chemo Prevention of Seasonal Malaria (CPS) campaign, on Thursday July 20, 2023.

After a press release on the radio and the passage of the town crier, populations gathered at the CSPS Urbain 1 for the launch of the Chemo prevention campaign for seasonal malaria.

According to the MCD of Solenzo, the agents must go from door to door to give the drugs to the mothers who in turn make drink to the children from 0 to 59 months.

The High Commissioner after the explanations of the MCD put two tablets which melted in a glass of water and gave some to a woman for her child, after having checked whether the child should benefit from them.

Health workers supervise the people chosen for the administration of the products of this campaign in the villages and communes of the province of Banwa.

“It's malaria time and with this medicine we can avoid sleeping in the hospital because of malaria. My child already had it right away,” says a mother of an 11-month-old.

Oumarou Sandwidi took advantage of his visit to encourage nurses and patients.

In the maternity ward, the work is appreciated by the patients, according to Bibata Kindo who accompanied a woman in labour.

“We arrived this morning and really we are taken care of and the agents talk to us like friends,” she said.

However, there are defective mattresses in the maternity ward.

The High Commissioner invited all agents to redouble their efforts for the happiness of the population because if health is there, the rest becomes easier to manage.

Source: Burkina Information Agency