Dissolution of the Maison de la Presse: a union of press professionals welcomes the decision

The National Union of Written Press and Audiovisual Professionals (SYNAPPEAN), made public on Wednesday January 31, 2024, a press release in which it welcomes the government's decision relating to the suspension of authorization to operate from the Maison de la Presse du Niger. The signatories of this declaration first highlighted the degrading and unfair treatment faced by private media professionals in Niger, before adding the unorthodox behavior of former members of the Board of Directors of the Maison de la Presse. , who instead of being interested in the living and working conditions of media professionals in Niger, were rather interested in taking political positions as evidenced by the participation of some of these members in the July 26 demonstration to demand the recovery of the deposed president. In view of all the above, SYNAPPEAN castigates and condemns with the utmost energy the lack of will of the promoters of private media in Niger to put their employees in their rights, and hold them solel y responsible for everything that happens. SYNAPPEAN also welcomes the prompt response of the transition authorities, in particular the Ministry of Communication, Posts and the Digital Economy, to support professionals to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Also, the signatories of this declaration welcome the order of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Security and Territorial Administration dissolving the Association called 'Maison de la Presse', as well as the establishment of an Adhoc committee. To this end, they request the establishment of a new consensual Office of the Maison de la Presse, as quickly as possible. The Maison de la Presse is an umbrella association bringing together all the structures of the press sector in Niger, we recall. Source: Burkina Information Agency