Kef hosts information day on establishment of National Council of Regions and Districts
The completion of the establishment of the National Council of Regions and Districts (CNRD) was the focus of an information day held on Sunday at the Sahbi Mosrati Cultural Complex in Kef. The meeting was organised by the Independent Local Authority for Elections (IRIE) for members of the local councils of the Kef governorate. Najla Abrougui, a member of the ISIE, told TAP the aim of the meeting was to explain the next stages in the process of setting up regional councils, district councils and the CNRD. The aim is also to inform local elected officials about the procedures for setting up local councils, which will take place immediately after the final results of the local elections are announced. Abrougui stressed that the ISIE will then proceed with the establishment of the regional and district councils, which, according to the pre-determined timetable, will begin their work at the beginning of April 2024. In this context, Abrougui announced that the final results of the local elections will be annou nced next week. The briefing was attended by all the winning candidates in the constituencies of Kef Governorate (comprising 91 constituencies in 12 delegations), as well as members of the 12 local councils representing persons with disabilities. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse