Noumbiel: The Batié District Health Council takes stock

The first 2023 session of the Batié District Health Council was held on Friday September 8, 2023 in Batié, under the patronage of the High Commissioner of the Noumbiel province, Jean Marie Kientega and the presence of the District Chief Medical Officer who supervised and directed the session presented by his agents.

On the occasion, it was a question of presenting the assessment of health indicators, communication on diabetes, the situation of ambulances assigned to municipalities and miscellaneous.

Satisfactory results achieved in the field, but it turned out that malaria is still among the highest indicators and much effort remains to be made, especially with the support of the communities who were also among the participants.

Also, diabetes, despite the efforts made, still remains a serious threat in the province.

The province has one of the highest records of snake and dog bites.

More than 392 snake bites for only 50 anti-venoms administered affected and more than 62 dog bites.

La situation des ambulances affectées dans les communes ne sont pas en reste. Sur les six(06) ambulances affectées dans la province, seulement trois (03) sont en bon état et les trois (03) autres au garage.

Ceci pour lancer un plaidoyer au gouvernement où tout autre personne de les venir en aide en complément aux effets déjà engrangés

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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