Séno: Several dozen terrorists neutralized on March 8

Ouagadougou: Several dozen terrorists were neutralized this Friday in strikes by the Burkinabè army in Touka, in the Dori (Séno) area, AIB learned from security sources who are reporting other victories in the area of Barsalgho (north-center) and the Nouaho forest (east-center). This week, the Fighting Forces continued to reconquer territories and repelled several terrorist assaults across the territory. Thus on March 8, 2024, several dozen terrorists gathered around 4 pm in Touka in the Dori area where under trees, they plotted an attack. The air carriers took the lead, launching a missile at the criminals. While the maximum was burning, some fugitives collapsed a few meters away. Also on this day, dedicated to women, the Burkinabè army has increased its offensives so that IDPs, the majority of whom are women, can return to their homes. Thus, around 6 pm, radars spotted around a hundred assassins in the Center-North heading towards Wambsouya, about twenty km north of Barsalgho. They will be joined in an orchard by several other criminals on motorcycles to launch an imminent attack. These criminals will be cooked first because the pilots will launch a particularly powerful missile into the crowd. In just a quarter of an hour, several terrorists will be consumed in a blazing fire caused by explosions from their ammunition. Earlier, on March 5, 2024, in the East Central zone, other hordes of terrorists were wiped out. Indeed that day around 6 pm, assassins on motorcycles left Welguemsifou towards the Nouaho forest to join a larger group stationed under the trees. Their attack planning meeting is cut short when a powerful missile splits the sky and falls on them. The criminals and their logistical means were reduced to ashes. Source: Burkina Information Agency