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Seventh Romany Days of El Jem April 27-28

The seventh El Jem Roman Days will take place as usual on April 27 and 28, 2024 in the ancient city of Thysdrus, or El Jem, with its prestigious Roman Colosseum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Over the years, it has become a popular destination for visitors who enjoy walking in the footsteps of emperors, praecotics, gladiators and craftsmen, and recalling the grandeur of a city that is one of the jewels of Tunisia's heritage. Now in its sixth year, this Roman festival attracted, in 2023, a large cosmopolitan audience who came to discover the mythical Roman amphitheatre of El Jem. Built around 238 AD, the El Jem amphitheatre offered a journey through 1,800 years of history and memory to discover the richness of Roman civilisation. Organised under the auspices of the Roman Museum, the event attracted a large number of visitors from all over Tunisia, as well as foreign visitors of all ages. Under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture and with the support of the association "We love El Jem" and the patrona ge of the Agence de mise en valeur du patrimoine et de la promotion culturelle (AMVPPC), the event is eagerly awaited by young and old alike. The latter will be able to enjoy a variety of shows including gladiator fights, torture, archery, military parades, period costumes, grand parades, a Roman dance show and a horse race. These days are also an opportunity to discover Roman traditions, craftsmanship and the secrets of Roman techniques in a number of ancient small trades: making traditional Roman accessories (jewellery, crowns, etc.), mosaics, marble and wood carvings, leather goods, etc. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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