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Local councils to be set up March 1 (ISIE)

The final results of local elections will be announced on February 27,

said member of the Independent High Authority For Elections (French: ISIE) Aymen Ghattas. Local councils will be installed in delegations on March 1.

A draw will be held one day after local councils are installed in the runup to the establishment of regional councils, Ghattas told an information day held Saturday in Monastir for members of local councils under the theme “Finalising the Process of installing the National Council of Regions and Districts.”

This draw will take place under the supervision of the election authority, in full

transparency, and minutes will be drawn up by a bailiff at the end of the draw, he added.

Once local and regional councils installed, candidate filing in the elections of councils of districts will begin before the vote of members of the national council of regions gets underway, i.e. three members for each regional council and a single member for each district council (77 members in total).

By virtue
of the Constitution, the National Council of Regions and Districts can appove regional and district development plans, adopt the State budget and monitor government action.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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