Monastir: export of handmade textile clothing expected to rise to over TND 13 million in 2023

The value of exports of handmade textile clothing in Monastir, namely "el Fouta" is expected to reach 12 or TND 13 million in late 2023, from TND 9 millionin 2022, local handicraft delegate Kadhem Masmoudi predicted.

Similarly, the value of national handmade textile exports is also expected to reach over TND 50 million in 2023 against TND 42 million in 2022, the same source told TAP during an event on the Heritage Month.

Masmoudi pointed out that several textile companies, based in Monastir will attend the Handmade in Japan Festival FES to be held in Tokyo next July 22-23. The Japanese market, seen as a difficult market to access, represents a promising market for Tunisian products, he added.

According to the local handicrafts delegate in Monastir, Tunisian textile and handicrafts are exported to distant markets, such as New Zealand, Australia and Japan, in addition to markets in North America and from Europe.

Monastir has more than 4,000 artisans in the handcrafted textile industry, Masmoudi underlined.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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