Orodara: Renewal of the Bureau of the Local Water Committee Banifing1

The Local Water Committee (CLE) Banifing 1 held on Friday, July 7, 2023 in Orodara, its first General Assembly, the main point of which focused on the renewal of the Bureau.

The first General Assembly of the Bureau of the Banifing1 Local Water Committee enabled the renewal of the Bureau. And it is a strong office of 20 members that has been set up with authorities.

According to the prefect of Sindo, Salfo Dayamba, who is also president of the CLE Banifing1, the meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere and enabled all the items on the agenda to be examined.

The CLE Banifing1 covers five (05) municipalities from the provinces of Kénédougou and Léraba. These are the communes of Sindo, Morolaba, N'dorola, Kourouma, Samorogouan and Ouéleni.

This general assembly was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Water Project CLE Sustainable Development in Africa (ECDD) with the technical support of the Mouhoun Water Agency.

Source: Burkina Information Agency