SNC Bobo 2023: Alhsel Joséphine Pegoupa, the student passionate about cooking, candidate for the Center

Bobo-Dioulasso, Student and passionate about cooking, Alhsel Joséphine Pegoupa is competing in culinary arts for the Center region.

A student of African literature and culture at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Alhsel Joséphine Pegoupa, who is also a translator and interpreter in a local society, takes part in the culinary arts competition for the National Grand Prix for Arts and Letters (GPNAL).

She represents the Center region in the light dish and dessert categories. As a light dish, it offers a mixed salad and for dessert, a fruit salad made with lianas, pineapple, mango, lemon and dates.

This fruit salad is accompanied by two jams made with dates and tamarind, another made with mango and mandarin. Her passion for the culinary arts began when she was 7 years old following a fire that consumed the family home.

The one that is his first participation in the SNC was the winner of the festigril in 2018, the African integration competition, competitions at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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