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DATACAP platform for processing grant applications officially operational as of April 15

Tunis: The DATACAP platform dedicated to the processing of grant applications managed by the Export Promotion Fund (FOPRODEX) will be officially operational as of April 15, 2024, the experimental phase having come to an end, the Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) announced on Tuesday. CEPEX called on companies eligible for these subsidies to check the documents that make up the subsidy disbursement file, pointing out that the subsidy is calculated on the basis of the data in the documents submitted to the order office, and that no additions or changes to these documents or data are accepted after the submission date. CEPEX underlined that the DATACAP platform helped, during the trial phase, streamline the processing of subsidy applications received by FOPRODEX Services and cope with the ever-increasing flow of applications. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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